How to Use Grapeseed Oil for Acne for The Best Result

How to Use Grapeseed Oil for Acne for The Best Result


Everybody loves and wants beautiful skins. Thousands of beauty products are being tested and launched every year to promise you perfect skin. From cleansers to toners and exfoliators, you are easily overwhelmed by a maze of skin care products that sadly do not always work as they claim.
When it comes to acne prone skin, it can be even more confusing. However, there is a new life saver for acne victims out there that can be found in every kitchen: grapeseed oil. Grapeseed oil for acne is becoming more and more popular, but not everyone knows how to use this amazing remedy properly.
Therefore, we have put together essential tips on how to use grapeseed oil below that guarantees to get rid of your acne outbreaks and restore the beauty of your skin. Be ready to bid farewell to the pain and discomfort of acne skin.

The benefits of grapeseed oil for acne

Before you start using any new product, it is important to know how to use it, its benefits as well as potential side effects. Thus, we will walk you through essential facts on grapeseed oil and the way it works, so that you can settle on the most suitable product for your skin condition.

What is grapeseed oil?

grapeseed oil for acneFor those of you who are unfamiliar with this fantastic remedy, grapeseed oil is in fact similar to olive oil or coconut oil, except for the part that it is extracted from grape seeds. The seeds of grapes are surprisingly the healthiest part, which boasts an impressive amount of antioxidants and vitamins.
Grapeseed oil is easily available in almost any supermarket or convenience stores, as it is widely popular in cooking as well. Stick to the pure or unrefined grapeseed oil or the organic one, which retains most of its ingredients and thus optimize the benefits.

How is grapeseed oil beneficial for acne?

As previously mentioned, grapeseed oil is packed with numerous vitamins (C, D, E) and essential fatty acids. One key component of grapeseed oil is linoleic acid, which is incredibly beneficial for those with clogged pores and oily skin types.
Acne breakouts are usually caused by excessive oil produced by the skin, leaving your skin dry and mature and prone to acne. Grapeseed oil will help retain your skin’s moisture and reduce the production of your skin’s oil. Your skin will then be free from clogged pores.
Most over-the-counter skin care products for oily skins tend to strip away all of your skin oil, including your natural skin oil. That’s why the more you use them, the more your skin will produce excessive oil to compensate for the loss, and before you know it, you end up with clogged pores, blackheads and acne.

How to use grapeseed oil for acne to regain perfect skin

Even when you all know about the huge benefits of grapeseed oil for acne, it’s important to learn how to use grapeseed oil for acne for the best result. Otherwise, it may even do more harm than good to your skin than you think.

Knowing your skin type

grapeseed oil for acneFirst and foremost, before you attempt to use any facial product on your skin, you need to know which skin type you have. There are custom-made products for specific skin types. Grapeseed oils work best for oily, oily/combination, sensitive, mature and prone-to-acne skin types.

Test your grapeseed oil

So you have oily skin, and you can’t wait to get rid of all the acne on your skin with your newly bought grapeseed oil but wait. Any new product must be tested first to make sure there will be more allergic reactions.
Try applying a drop of grapeseed oil onto a part of your face (avoid the eye area) and watch for any irritation for the next 24 hours. If nothing happens, then you can be assured that you can continue using grapeseed oil.

Damp your skin before use

To start applying grapeseed oil onto your face, first wash your hands thoroughly and then splash your face with lukewarm water. Next, squeeze a small amount of grapeseed oil into your palm. Rub gently to get your hands covered with grapeseed oil.

Massage your face with the oil

grapeseed oil for acneOnce your fingers are covered with grapeseed oil, gently massage your face with grapeseed oil using your fingertips. You should massage your face for more or less 2 minutes so that the skin can be absorbed into your skin easily.
Grapeseed oil is an extremely light oil. Thus it can be easily absorbed by most skin types. When you do the massage, remember to make gentle circular motions to facilitate the absorption. Avoid direct contact with your eyes during the massage.
Make sure to rub your face with grapeseed oil and do not miss any spot: cheeks, nose, forehead, and chin.  Your massage with grapeseed oil will help remove dirt, unnecessary oil, and any other residue.

Wipe away the oil

Once you are done with the facial massage, you need to wash away the oil with water. However, you can’t simply remove grapeseed oil with water and your bare hands. Use a washcloth or towel with warm water and wipe your face gently with the washcloth.

Use grapeseed oil as moisturizer

Now that your face is perfectly fresh and clean, it’s crucial to moisturize your face to prevent aging and dryness. To start, use a drop of grapeseed oil on your fresh skin. When your skin is clear from dirt, oil, and residue, your skin can absorb the best of moisturizers. Rub your face gently to distribute the oil onto your face and allow the oil to absorb. Leave the oil overnight for optimal results.

Include grapeseed oil in your skin care routine at least twice a week

To achieve the best result and get your lovely complexion back, consider cleansing and moisturizing your skin with grapeseed oil at least twice a week. It is common to see more oil production for the first few days. However, your skin will soon adapt to the new treatment, and you can use the oil daily as you wish.


Grapeseed oil for acne may be still new to a lot of us, but it has been proved that grapeseed oil can work like a miracle for those who suffer from acne or severely oily skin. We strongly recommend that you give this natural remedy a try, as a result, won’t disappoint you.
You can read this original writing here : How to Use Grapeseed Oil for Acne for The Best Result

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